Contracts Division Forms

Click on the name of a contract below to open it as a Microsoft Word version:
ARPA Agency Subgrant Agreement
ARPA Funding Source Exhibit for Contractors/Consultants
ARPA Revenue Loss Grant Agreement
ARPA Revenue Loss Agency Subgrant Agreement
ARPA Revenue Loss Funding Source Exhibit for Contractors/Consultants
Covid-19 Assumption of Risks Sign
City Facilities Covid-19 Waiver
Amendment Incorporating Original Agreement by Reference
Amendment Replacing Sections of Original Agreement
Circuit Court Non-Retiree Contractual Emplyment Agreement
Circuit Court Retiree Contractual Employment Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement - City Employee
Confidentiality Agreement - Temporary Employee
Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
Donation Agreement with Contractor Not Signing
Donation Agreement with Contractor
Donation Agreement with Donor Performing Work (no Contractor)
Non-Construction Consultant Agreement
Non-Retiree Contractual Agreement
Right of Entry Agreement with Contractor
Right of Entry Agreement with Prime and Sub
Waiver of Rights Pursuant to the Visual Artists Rights Act